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Over 90% of our graduates in the last ten years have enrolled in colleges and universities across the country. KCA combines academic excellence with authentic spiritual growth and diverse extracurricular offerings, including athletics, fine arts, and STEM, to equip each student with the tools they need to make a positive impact in the world and ensure they are ready for higher education and more.

KCA has an excellent High School educational program taught by a talented and dedicated faculty. The high school experience of today is filled with more pressure, more competition, and higher expectations than ever before. Knowing this, we double our efforts to support and cultivate character in all KCA students.
Students are challenged to work hard academically, to grow in their faith and personal relationship with God, and to make positive contributions to the school through academic excellence, involvement in leadership opportunities, service projects, athletics, and fine arts. With caring adults who hold high standards for students in every area of school life, the Upper School provides a unique environment for students to learn and grow during their high school years.

Your student’s high school years are a special time in his or her life—a time of academic and personal challenge and a time to make important decisions about his or her future plans. KCA offers a wide range of academic classes, including several honors courses through which students can receive college credit along with a variety of college preparatory electives.
KCA takes our academic responsibilities seriously and offers an outstanding curriculum. But more importantly, it is our responsibility to prepare our students for life beyond the classroom. Many of our graduates receive highly coveted scholarships to universities and colleges across the country for academics, sports, and fine arts, and some have even received full scholarships. We also seek to help our students attain internships, enroll in trade schools, and establish basic life skills. Our guidance counselors provide a rich range of events appropriate to different grade levels and are designed to promote academic success. We work individually with students on college admissions and other post-high school graduation programs.

Your student receives valuable information and resources in the following areas:
Colleges & universities
Career interests
Testing registration
Community service opportunities
Financial aid & scholarship opportunities
Local, national & international summer programs

Extracurricular activities encompass a broad range of boys’ and girls’ athletic teams, a diverse array of clubs, several Fine Arts programs, STEM opportunities, and a strong student government leadership program responsible for organizing student activities and providing feedback to teachers and administrators.

For more information on these enriching activities, there are several pages dedicated to more thoroughly explaining these opportunities in the dropdown menu.


Middle school can be a challenging time of change and growth for students and parents alike. KCA provides resources for you and your maturing child to thrive in this time of transition, including a consistent, loving environment, sound academics, and a multitude of extracurricular activities for our students to enjoy, such as athletics, fine arts, and STEM.

Middle School is where students begin to develop into confident, intellectual young adults. KCA strives to provide a learning environment that both challenges and nurtures students during early adolescence.

KCA's experienced faculty teaches students the content and skills necessary for later academic success while encouraging them to ask questions, seek creative solutions, and take risks as a part of learning. KCA recognizes that each student is an individual with different learning styles and gifts than each of their classmates, which is why our students benefit from small class sizes and varied instructional techniques.
KCA's middle school curriculum builds a bridge between elementary and high school and prepares students to confidently enter the next stage of their academic journey. The Middle School curriculum is founded on traditional instruction in subjects like English grammar, literature, science, history, mathematics, and Bible. Students have the opportunity to choose their electives, with a requirement of participating at some point in both STEM and Fine Arts electives as well as physical education.

Our middle school follows a modified A Beka curriculum, a well-known and nationally recognized Christian program. Bible classes use either Positive Action for Christ, A Beka, or ACSI.

• Literature
• Math
• Bible
• Spelling and Vocabulary
• Language
• Science
• History
• Physical Education
• Electives (STEM, Art, Home Ec, Creative Writing, Music, etc.)
Throughout the year, students are welcome to participate a wide range of athletic programs. Other middle school activities include drama performances, class chapels, speech contests, and field trips to our local military base and Washington D.C. One of our annual highlights is the KCA Middle School Banquet, which features fellowship, food, and great entertainment with a formal flair. Middle School students experience weekly chapel services, where they can lead and participate in worship and enjoy encouraging messages from many local pastors and speakers with the rest of our Upper School. Wherever students choose to focus their efforts, we have opportunities to participate during every season of the year.
We also place an emphasis on the moral development of each student by providing opportunities to develop personal integrity, leadership skills, and a desire to serve the community. KCA has instituted a Junior National Honor Society, giving our students the opportunity to shine well before their high school career begins.
For more information on these enriching activities, there are several pages dedicated to more thoroughly explaining these opportunities in the dropdown menu.

At the beginning of each school year, our middle school students leave campus and travel to the Black Rock Science Camp in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, for a three-day adventure.
New students have the chance to room with other students and get to know their peers, and returning students befriend new students and solidify old friendships as well. It's also a great chance for teachers and students to get to know one another off-campus.
In addition to getting to know one another, students participate in different levels of hands-on activities, experiencing God's nature through science experiments, games, worship, campfires, and other events. Many of our students will tell you that their annual trip to Black Rock was a highlight of their middle school years!
Each year, we do have a number of parents attend as chaperones for the boys' and girls' cabins. If you're interested in coming along to experience it, don't hesitate to let us know!


At The King's Christian Academy, we seek to nurture their inquisitive minds and encourage their passion for knowledge. Our students are ready to learn all that they can about God’s amazing creation, and our teachers love teaching the wonders of His world. Through the use of textbooks and technology, teachers present the facts; but through their passion for teaching and their love for the Lord they add increasingly more to the learning environment.

Our students love KCA because their days are filled with “experiences.” They have field trips, science labs, music classes, projects, cooperative groups, chapels, guest speakers and so much more. Teachers use every day experiences to teach valuable life lessons through the eyes of our Lord. School is not just about academics. It’s about learning how to get along with one another and use the gifts and talents God has given us to serve Him and nurture our relationships.

The lower school is a busy place! Whether we are enjoying a competitive math game, learning a musical instrument, planning a chapel, rehearsing for the Christmas musicale, or just relaxing on the playground, our students stay engaged and involved. We encourage you to visit our classrooms and see what all the excitement is about.

KCA's focus is centered on your children, uniquely created by God, with varied interests, gifts, and talents.  We desire to provide challenging opportunities in a rewarding spiritual, academic, physical, emotional, and social educational environment.

Students are surrounded by a playground that invites healthy activity with its soccer field, rock climbing and vast open spaces. Our outstanding professional staff is committed to excellence in instructing and engaging your children in the learning process through a biblical perspective. The curriculum is designed to enthusiastically absorb your children into a deeper understanding of God’s Truth and the World He created.

We invite your family to become part of The King's Christian Academy!

Click on the tabs to the left to learn more about the opportunities our Lower School students have at each grade level.


Fifth grade is a special year for our learners, as it is the last year of elementary school before middle school begins. This is a time of gaining more independence in preparation for middle school and beyond.

Our students enjoy a variety of academic courses throughout the week, as well as weekly classes in Computer, Music, Art, Library, and Physical Education. Our entire lower school joins together for weekly Chapels on Wednesdays.

Homework is given regularly throughout the week and must be written in an agenda book each day. Students can expect to take quizzes and tests each week.

Bible class in fifth grade focuses on building strong character foundations before entering middle school. Students will learn the major characters of the Old Testament and understand their positive/negative character traits, major sequence events in the Old Testament, relate these events to their own lives, and memorize various passages of scripture.

Math skills are also emphasized, as students continue to learn concepts such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers, decimals, and fractions, converting various measures and solving various types of equations and word problems.

By fifth grade, our students have excellent reading abilities, and many are reading at levels far above a fifth-grade level. Students are expected to read with literal and implicit comprehension, skim through a passage and locate the main idea, read dramatically with an understanding of the personality and motivation of the character, make strong predictions on a passage by using context clues and find supporting passages that further explain the main idea. KCA continues to emphasize grammar and language concepts through daily practice and instructions in language.
History class emphasizes the major accomplishments of the ancient cultures, recognizing various individuals in history, locating places on a map and globe, and being aware of different cultures. Fifth-grade students will complete a "country project" where they select a country of their choice and thoroughly research it. The culmination of this project is a special day to present their findings, enjoy food from around the world, and even dress in traditional garb from the different countries.

Science class teaches students to ask questions and understand a variety of scientific concepts. Through science, KCA hopes to emphasize the wonder and beauty of God's creation. An individual science fair project will be completed by all students and presented in front of the class and a panel of judges.

For more information, please contact the school and schedule a meeting with our staff or a full tour.


In the fourth grade, students begin to expand their knowledge beyond the basics. Our STEM program begins in the fourth grade, and every student takes a weekly Robotics course where they are given the opportunity to build and program a bot.

Additionally, students who have an interest in learning a musical instrument may take band, which meets twice a week. Fourth graders who choose to participate will perform in band concerts throughout the year and may opt for additional private lessons.
Seven fourth graders are chosen annually to compete in the SMECO Math Challenge. This county-wide competition brings together a variety of public and private schools from across the county.

All students enjoy a variety of academic courses throughout the week, as well as weekly classes in Computer, Music, Art, Library, and Physical Education. Our entire lower school joins together for weekly Chapels on Wednesdays.

Homework is given regularly throughout the week and must be written in an agenda book each day. Students can expect to take quizzes and tests on various subjects each week. Most work must be done in cursive unless otherwise stated by the teacher.
KCA desires to teach all students that the Bible is true, inspired, and endures. Various biblical topics are taught throughout the fourth-grade year, and students memorize a Bible verse every week.

Fourth graders focus on comprehension and fluency in reading through assigned readings on which several book reports will be completed throughout the year. Grammar rules, sentence structure and variation, and parts of speech are taught and expected to be utilized in all assignments. Weekly spelling lessons also require students to spell and know the definition of 22 new words each week.

The fourth-grade math curriculum continues building the following skills: place value, review of addition/subtraction/multiplication/division, geometry, fractions, decimals, and measurements. Our curriculum lays the foundation for higher mathematics.

Fourth graders at KCA learn about the beginnings of American history, starting with the discovery of the land through today's modern times. Additionally, students complete a sizeable undertaking known as the "The Maryland History Project." The class even gets to take a field trip to historical St. Mary's City, on which parents are welcome to attend.

Science seeks to demonstrate God's love for us and closeness to us through the study of His universe. Additionally, each student completes an individual science project, which is entered and judged in the school science fair. Health is taught during the 4th quarter of the school year. Textbook materials cover parts of the body, manners, and basic physical health.

For more information, please contact the school and schedule a meeting with our staff or a full tour.


Students in third grade have reached the "middle" of their elementary school career. This is a year of independence for them as they begin to develop lifelong study habits. Our third graders are equipped with their own agenda books to learn responsibility by writing down their homework assignments and upcoming deadlines. Parents are always kept in the loop using RenWeb and teacher-run website pages.

Our students enjoy a variety of academic courses throughout the week, as well as weekly classes in Computer, Music, Art, Library, and Physical Education. Our entire lower school joins together for weekly Chapels on Wednesdays.

By third grade, students are expected to use cursive writing for each assignment. Penmanship has daily practice while studying all other subjects.
The language arts curriculum enables students to read, speak, spell, and write with accuracy and creativity. Each week, third-grade students are presented with 22 new words to spell. Students learn and practice basic spelling rules, syllabication rules, proofreading, grammar, and new vocabulary for creative writing.

The third-grade math curriculum continues teaching addition and subtraction with larger numerals and with carrying and borrowing, multiplying with carrying, division with dividends, story problems with multiple steps, fractions, graphing, and probability. Our curriculum lays the foundation for higher mathematics at a young age.

Bible class includes pledges, prayer, memory verses, songs, and the lesson for the week. Character development is an integral part of the curriculum. It is our goal in this Christian school to lead children to a saving knowledge of Christ and to help them grow spiritually in the Lord.

Third graders are taught the location of the seven continents and four oceans along with the fifty states and their capitals. Additionally, major geographical features of the United States are covered along with basic map skills.

Science is taught during the first semester of the year, while Health is taught during the second semester. Science instruction helps students find beauty and biblical truth through the world around us. Additionally, each student completes an individual science project which is entered and judged in the lower school science fair. The purpose of health class is to teach students about the body God has given them to encourage them to practice good health, safety, and manners each day.

For more information, please contact the school and schedule a meeting with our staff or a full tour.


KCA teachers are committed to encouraging each child's development and passion for learning through a biblically-integrated, hands-on curriculum. KCA emphasizes development of a strong foundation of academics and character for children to build off of for the entirety of their academic career.
KCA's second-grade students enjoy a variety of academic courses throughout the week, as well as weekly classes in Computer, Music, Art, Library, and Physical Education. Our entire lower school joins together for weekly Chapels on Wednesdays.
Second graders practice reading aloud with accuracy, appropriate expression, volume, smoothness, and comprehension. Students learn to respond to story questions in complete sentences and in cursive writing. Second graders are taught cursive letters and practice this skill by writing sentences, poems, paragraphs, journal entries, and stories.
A variety of mathematical concepts are taught, such as geometry and measurement, time-telling and money counting, fractions, two-digit addition and subtraction with regrouping, and multiplication and division. Our curriculum lays the foundation for higher mathematics at a young age.
Bible time includes pledges, prayer, memory verses, songs, and the lesson for the week. Second-grade students study Bible stories in the Old and New Testaments to see how these apply to their life. Character development is an integral part of the curriculum, as it is our goal to lead children to a saving knowledge of Christ and to help them grow spiritually in the Lord.
Students' interest in our country is stimulated through a study of the background of American history. Second graders learn about America, our home, the people who built America, and tomorrow's America.
In science class, students enjoy studying about themselves and our planet, different plants and animals, things that move, things that work together, and the solar system. Second Grade students have the opportunity to complete their first solo science fair project! Students work to ask a question and follow the scientific method to see if their hypothesis was correct.

For more information, please contact the school and schedule a meeting with our staff or a full tour.


KCA's first grade blends fun with education to encourage a love for learning! Our teachers are committed to encouraging each child's development through a biblically-integrated curriculum and by demonstrating God's love and character in their classrooms. KCA emphasizes a strong foundation of academics and character for children to build off of for the entirety of their academic career. We desire our students to be passionate about learning, which is why we incorporate fun, hands-on learning into our studies and emphasize the importance and excitement of learning.
Our First Grade students enjoy a variety of academic courses throughout the week, as well as weekly classes in Computer, Music, Art, Library, and Physical Education. Our entire lower school joins together for weekly Chapels on Wednesdays.

KCA's First-grade students continue to learn reading, writing, and language through a phonics system coupled with graduated reading material. Through our creative writing emphasis, the children learn to use their skills to write original stories and share their opinion. A unique aspect of our curriculum is that KCA teaches cursive writing! While many schools have done away with teaching and using cursive in the classroom, we believe that good penmanship is important.
Students will also develop their understanding of mathematical language. Some units of study include: addition and subtraction, patterning and sorting, symmetry, place value, basic problem solving, time telling, measurements, and counting money.
KCA also begins to introduce social studies and science in first grade. Social studies help students learn about their nation and its history, geographical points, and other cultures around the world. The major goal of the science curriculum is to develop a knowledge of our God whom we see revealed in the world around us, promote scientific literacy, and encourage a Biblical perspective of the study of scientific systems. They will even get the opportunity to complete a class science project!
Through the study of Bible characters and stories, students will explore God's grace in action. The plan of salvation is taught, and personal opportunity is interwoven in discussion. Each week, students learn, memorize, and recite a verse as part of their weekly lesson.

For more information, please contact the school and schedule a meeting with our staff or a full tour.


In kindergarten, we encourage each child's development in an environment focused on planting the seed of God's love and through a strong, biblically-integrated curriculum. KCA emphasizes development of a strong foundation of academics and character for children to build off of for the entirety of their academic career. We desire our students to be passionate about learning, which is why we incorporate fun, hands-on learning into our studies.
Our Kindergarteners enjoy a variety of academic courses throughout the week, as well as weekly classes in Computer, Music, Art, Library, and Physical Education. Our entire lower school joins together for weekly Chapels on Wednesdays.

By the end of the school year, students have covered many Literacy, Writing, Math, and Bible concepts
Students will learn to recognize short and long vowel sounds, sight words, and special sounds. Students learn at an early age to read fluently and to answer questions about what they have read.
Our students also write daily! Through regular practice, they learn basic grammar rules, properly space words and sentences in writing, spell beginner words, and come up with an idea and how to convey it before beginning to write.
Each day, our students grow in their ability to understand a variety of math concepts like counting, basic addition and subtraction, symmetry, money counting, and understanding beginner word problems.
Because KCA believes knowing God's Word is the most important foundation of all, students are taught Bible lessons and memorize a weekly Bible verse to be recited in class on Friday.

For more information, please contact the school and schedule a meeting with our staff or a full tour.


In Pre-K we encourage each child to grow and develop at their own pace. We have fun and learn each day. Pre-K has lots of hands-on activities that enhance our learning. Our curriculum and dedicated staff teach in all four domains of early child development.

The communication and speech domain. Children have to learn to communicate with everyone around them. As well as learning the language, they learn about taking turns in conversation, and how to categorize the world around them.

The physical domain. The body increases in skill and performance over time, going through gross motor development (learning to use large muscles, such as the arms and legs), and fine motor development (learning to use muscles to make precise movements, such as the hands and fingers).

The social and emotional domain. Children’s identities, self-images and perceptions of feelings evolve as they grow. They also develop relationships with others, and learn how to socialize and follow social etiquette.

The cognitive domain. ‘Cognitive processes’ are higher-level functions of the brain, including thinking, knowing, remembering, judging, and problem-solving. As they develop, children increase their understanding of the world, improve their memory, gain better concentration, and refine their problem-solving skills.

Each week Pre-K enjoy classes in Music, Art, Library, and Physical Education.


By the end of the school year, students have covered many Literacy, Writing, Math, and Bible concepts.

Pre-K goes through the alphabet 3 whole times. Upper and lowercase. We work on the letters sounds and work hard to get every child ready to read using the 5 Instructional strategies for early literacy pillars

Alphabetic Principle - The alphabetic principle is the concept that letters and their patterns represent the sounds of spoken language.

Phonological Awareness - sets the stage for decoding, blending, and, ultimately, word reading.

Phonemic Awareness - the ability to identify and manipulate individual sounds (phonemes) in spoken words

Phonics - matching the sounds of spoken English with individual letters or groups of letters

Word Recognition – starting to recognize sight words

Some students even learn to read in Pre-K.

Each day, our students grow in their ability to understand a variety of math concepts like counting, one to one correspondence, liquid measurements, solid measurements, relational words, basic addition and subtraction.

Because KCA believes knowing God's Word is the most important foundation of all, Bible time includes prayer, memory verses, songs, and the lesson for the week. Students learn Bible stories from the Old and New Testaments.

For more information, please contact the school and schedule a meeting with our staff or a full tour.

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