As the school year came to an early and unexpected close, several of our sports teams were placed on hold until next season including track, flag football, softball, and baseball. This was the first year KCA has offered softball and baseball. Although the season was cut short for many of our athletes, it was still one for the books.
Baseball, softball, and flag football were all able to get two weeks of practice in before having to end their season. Despite the short time together as a team, Jim Sewell, KCA’s head softball coach, said of the ten girls who committed to the team, “The members of the team were mature hard working athletes. I believe with off-season conditioning the team will return stronger. Their self-motivation and commitment to growing their skills, to the team, and to their school are the qualities of a great future team.”
Mr. Dan Thompson, KCA’s new life science and pre-algebra teacher, took on the role of coach for the baseball team’s inaugural season. Coach Thompson said, “I was disappointed that we lost the opportunity to be the first team in KCA history to compete on the diamond. I will miss having the two seniors, Kyle Waller and Cameron Osborne as a part of the team... I wish each of the boys well in the next chapter of their life.”
Both softball and baseball will hold team conditioning in the fall off-season to help the players develop their skills before picking back up to compete in the spring.
Despite only being a third-year team, flag football was already a reputable size with 20 boys coming out to play. Chris Jones was to be the head coach, and plans to pick back up next season to continue growing the skills of our budding football players.
Kelsey Reichard, KCA’s favorite Physical Education teacher, was supposed to coach track alongside Athletic Director Mr. John Somerville. This would have been one of the biggest teams middle school track had seen in KCA history with nearly forty students joining the team, and the high school team was sizable as well. Though the season had to be put on hold until next year, Coach Reichard said the team should all continue to individually prepare for next year by “staying positive, self-motivated, and going out to get some work done.”
We are excited to see these athletes return next year even stronger and inspired to grow and compete to the best of their abilities!